Saturday, August 5, 2023

China asked to respect Vietnamese sovereignty over Hoang Sa


China’s action of bringing part of Hoang Sa, known internationally as the Paracel Islands, into the area of military exercises taking place in the East Sea from July 29 to August 2 has seriously violated Vietnamese sovereignty over the archipelago.

Pham Thu Hang, spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry, made the statement in response to queries about the country’s reaction to Chinese military exercises coveing part of the Paracel Islands under the nation’s sovereignty at the Ministry’s routine press briefing in Hanoi on August 3.

“This action went against the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), complicated the situation, and was not conducive to the current negotiation process between China and ASEAN on the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) and the maintenance of a peaceful, stable and cooperative environment in the East Sea.

Vietnam resolutely opposes and asks China to respect Vietnam's sovereignty over the Paracel and not repeat similar violations,” Hang said.

This comes after China's Maritime Safety Administration announced that the country's military conducted a large military exercise in the East Sea from July 29 to August 2.

The exercise area stretches from Hainan Island to part of the East Sea, including part of the Vietnamese Hoang Sa archipelago. During the exercise, China banned ships from entering the exercise area.



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